Шокиращо - Ангела Меркел дъщеря на...Хитлер!?
PlovdivMedia - Шокиращо - Ангела Меркел дъщеря на...Хитлер!?
е канцлерът на Германия Ангела Меркел да е ...дъщеря на Адолф Хитлер,
сензационно разкрива изданието Last Trumpet Newsletter.PlovdivMedia
Тя е родена през 1954 г. в бившата ГДР. В официалната й биография пише, че се е появила на бял свят на 17 юли 1954г. и че е дъщеря на лютерантския теолог Хорст Каснер. Наскоро разсекретени архиви на КГБ обаче разкривали съвсем друга история. Досиета на бившите тайни служби на ГДР ЩАЗИ доказвали, че Ангела Меркел е родена на 20 април 1954 г. Подробности за нейното раждане
PlovdivMedia - Шокиращо - Ангела Меркел дъщеря на...Хитлер!?
в архива на известният германски лекар д-р Карл Клауберг. След Втрата
световна война той е осъден като един от нацистките „лекари на
смъртта”. Лежи в съветски затвор. Когато обаче става ясно, че е
брилянтен учен, Клауберг е освободен след 7 години. Скоро след това се
прославя като...баща на изкуственото осеменяване. Руснаците били много заинтригувани от твърдението му, че той е запазил замразени проби от спермата на Фюрера. Според авторът съветските тайни служби са направили таен експеримент.
PlovdivMedia - Шокиращо - Ангела Меркел дъщеря на...Хитлер!?
са в Източна Германия Гретъл, сестрата на Ева Браун (съпругата на
Хитлер). Осеменили са я с пробата на фюрера, но вместо очакваният син,
на бял свят се е появила дъщеря. Ако всичко изнесено е вярно, стряска
съвпадението на рожденните дати на Ангела Меркел и предполагаемият й
баща Адолф Хитлер – 20 април. Застъпниците на конспиративните теории сочат и друг подобен факт – пак на 20 април, но през 2005 г., обвиняваният в нацистко минало кардинал Ратцингер бе коронясан за папа под името Бенедикт ХVІ. А на 22 ноември същата година Ангела Меркел бе избрана за канцлер на Германия. Мнозина и досега се учудват на светкавичната кариера, която я издигна от нищото до държавен глава на водещата страна в Европа.
Изданието открива и други паралели. Подобно на Адолф Хитлер, Меркел страшно се увлича по музиката на композитора Ричард Вагнер, смятан от някои за сатанист. В интервю за вестник „Франкфуртер Алгемайне Цайтунг” тя признава ,че любимата й творба е операта „Парсифал” на Вагнер. Според мнозина, канцлер Меркел има същите очи като някогашният канцлер Хитлер, свързват ги и други прилики, като се изключат мустачките.
Може би става въпрос за поредната сензация. Ами ако твърденията на Дейвид Майер отговарят на истината? Дали беше случаен скандалът, когато полски евродепутат заяви в Европарламента, че Ангела Меркел се държи като...Хитлер.
http://www.plovdivmedia.com / Germany link
August 1,2007
Click on thumbnails for larger images.
Blurb from David Meyer’s August 2007 Last Trumpet Newsletter:
Angela Merkel was born in the D.D.R., the Communist portion of Germany in 1954. Her biography says she was born on July 17, 1954, and that she is the daughter of a Lutheran minister from an East German-controlled church. Recently, however, Soviet KJB archive files reveal an entirely different story. Stasi GDR files indicate that she was born on April 20th, 1954, and details of her birth were included in the records of the German Dr. Karl Klauberg, who was one of the Nazi “death doctors” convicted by Soviet courts and imprisoned. When he later was recognized as a brilliant scientist, he was released after seven years and was recognized as the father of artificial insemination. The Soviets were even more intrigued when they discovered Dr. Klauberg had preserved frozen samples of the sperm of Adolf Hitler. The forces of darkness in high places decided to try to produce a child from Hitler’s sperm, obviously for occult and illuministic purposes. Dr. Klauberg then brought the youngest sister of Eva Braun (Hitler’s wife), whose name was Gretl, to Eastern Germany, and the result of the experiment produced not a biological son of Hitler, but rather a daughter. Amazingly, Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, and Angela Merkel was born on April 20th, 1954. (April 20th is 11 days before the witches’ high sabat of Beltaine.) Angela became a custodian of the Catholic Church through its connections with the East German Lutheran Church. Once a German Pope would take the Roman throne, Angela Merkel was to also take her biological father’s position as German Chancellor. On April 20th, 2005, the Nazi Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, (16th), precisely on the 116th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Then on November 22nd, 2005, Hitler’s biological daughter, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany. The day of that election, November 22nd, was the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species, which is an antichrist publication denying the Creator of the universe.
If the Soviet record is true, and the evidence is strong, it opens up some amazing possibilities. The undeniable fact is that Angela Merkel came from obscurity to triumviral power as German Chancellor, President of the European Union, and head of the powerful G-8 economic cartel. When I began to do further research on this, I discovered that Hitler’s father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild mistress whose last name was Schicklgruber. The etymology of the name Hitler reveals that the name means a shepherd who lives in a hut. The name Adolf from Old High German means noble wolf. Thus, his combined name indicates that he was the Shepherd Wolf, or false shepherd. Strangely enough, Pope Ratzinger, or Benedict XVI, also has the title of Shepherd of the Church, and since he took office, the Roman Catholic Church has had a German shepherd. Incidentally, that breed of dog resembles a wolf. We also know that Adolf Hitler nicknamed himself Herr Wolf. His East Prussian headquarters was called Wolfsschanze; his headquarters in France was called Wolfsschlucht, and his headquarters in the Ukraine was called Werwolf. Will the powerful European Union become the New World Order and Fourth Reich? Only God knows.
One more interesting point is that Chancellor Angela Merkel has an unusual obsession with the works of the occult composer Richard Wagner, who was a Satanist. She made her obsession known in an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in July 2005. Wagner wrote the infamous composition called Parsifal, which is purely occult and demonic. Parsifal was a favorite of Adolf Hitler as well, and Hitler stated that the music of Wagner occupied his mind. Angela Merkel, like Adolf Hitler, is deeply fascinated with Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries. The valkyries were minor female deities that would ride through every battle to gather the most valiant of the slain and carry them off to a place called Valhalla where they would wait to join the army of Odin in the last battle at the end of the world.
Is this woman, Angela Merkel, being used of Satan to marshal the forces for the last battle called Armageddon? It is also interesting to note that Chancellor Merkel has exactly the same eyes as Chancellor Hitler, and she bears a striking resemblance to him except for the little moustache, of course.
http://inpursuitofhappiness.wordpress.com / Germany link